The Bushel Basket Market takes place every Wednesday afternoon on the corner of M52 and Old US 12 between 2-6pm.
Please park outside of the bank parking lot in the side lots near to the other local business.
Judy Radant will be preparing a lovely Apple Quinoa Salad as our food demonstration for the week!
We adore our vendors and are so grateful for their offerings. They work hard to bring you quality product, but keep in mind that sometimes they are unable to make it to the market or have to come without what they thought they would have.
Kapnick Orchards: apples, pears, grapes, (maybe) peaches, plums, potatoes, a variety of nut butters and sweet breads, fudge, cider and more!
Lutchka Angus: wide variety of seasonal vegetables
Jacob’s Fresh Farm Shares: honey, eggs, seasonal veggies
Pregitzer Farm: nice selection of seasonal vegetables including corn, kale, eggplant, summer squash and more
Stone Hearth Bread and Bakery: a huge variety of cookies (including the GF Vermont Crunchy!), sweet bread, cheese bread, cinnamon rolls, pepperoni rolls and more
Swallow Tail Pottery: gorgeous hand thrown, functional pottery
Myer Jam: we are pleased to welcome Caroline back with her jam and dog treats! Lovely variety of flavors.
Diane Day: beautiful mixed bouquets
K’s Acres: seasonal fruits, veggies, syrup and more
Marks Farm: wide variety of seasonal veggies from cauliflower to melons, cucumbers to eggplant. Beefalo, pork, chicken and eggs
Needle Lane Farm: Organic seasonal veggies!
Golden Fleece: hormone and antibiotic free, pastured beef and lamb; chicken
Compau Family Farm: Sunflowers!
VogueBooge Candles: a variety of scented and unscented soy candles
Gasche: black berries and red raspberries, eggs
Jenny Bunch: black and red raspberries, tomatoes