What does May mean for you? MARKET SEASON! Join us each week from now until the end of October for a weekly dose of the best goods around.
Where: Palmer Commons 304 S. Main St.
When: Saturdays May – October
Time: 8am -1pm
This week we hope to see:
Astor Academy
Bordine Farm
Chamber spotlight:
Checkered Flag Chocolate
The Chelsea Hospital – Mindful Eating
The Cookie Lady
Goetz Greenhouses
Grateful Soil
Handmade and Homegrown
Jacob’s Fresh Farm
Jams and Gems
Kermit’s Pad
Kiwanis Club of Chelsea
La Baguette
Lynn Eckerle
May We Color
Pola Pastry
The Roaming Stone
Sallie’s Toybox
Smokey Michigan
Two Tracks Acres
Upperhand Fish
You Melt Me
***This list of vendors is subject to change at the last minute

Children Activities will run each week from 8-1; some are passive and others directed! This week come make seed bombs!
Music will start up in a couple of weeks with The Soul Songstress, Miss Stacey Murray kicking us off
Hot Food – Smokey Michigan will have hot food each week they are in attendance. Come hungry
- This week the CAGC in partnership with The Washtenaw County Conservation District will be handing out FREE white pine seedlings and wildflower packets. They will “sell out” quickly I imagine, so come early!
- We are in need of wide mouth mason jar rings for our Mother’s Day Children’s Activity. If you are able to donate any used (but in good shape) wide mouth rings we would be so grateful – we need about 50.
- New Market Swag is IN! Check out our new beenies, trucker hats and hoodies. If you are in need of a specific size/color of shirt I can order that too. Our newest version of a bag is AH-mazing. I can’t get over how perfectly long the handles are and how roomie it is.
As always, we can’t do this without key players. We THANK YOU!
Partners: The Chelsea State Bank, The City of Chelsea, The 5 Healthy Towns Foundation, The Chelsea Hospital
Sponsors: Kelly Goodell, Stephanie and Larry Doll, The Chelsea Chamber of Commerce, Pat and Sandra Merkel, J & L Heating and Cooling
Can’t wait to see you Saturday,
Emily and Angie