Get to Know Your Vendor: Oak Hill Farm

Those craving something sweet know that Oak Hill Farm is the go-to for honey, and all thing bee related – beeswax candle, lotion bars, even bee pollen to help with allergies!

Tom Heath, who used to work for Ford and managed 100’s in the Finance Department, found that managing his 1,000’s of bees was a good next step in retirement.  It all started with a beekeeping starter kit, which Lynn Heath gave her husband for a Christmas gift.  The small hobby took off, with Tom experimenting with many different types of honey, and Lynn starting her own side business making candles, soaps and small gifts made from the honey byproducts.  Tom and Lynn ship all over the country and internationally to those looking for the best honey from Michigan, and we’re proud to have this buzzing business at the Bushel Basket Market!

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