- Photo by Janelle Feliciano. Jacob’s Fresh Farm Shares is this week’s Bushel Basket Farmers Market featured vendor.
By Janelle Feliciano
Jacob D’lamater is the owner of Jacob’s Fresh Farm Shares, located north of Chelsea.
He sells natural produce, eggs, and honey, using no herbicide, pesticide, or any other chemicals. As a child, he grew up in a farm, but his parent’s used chemicals and at the time, he didn’t know how harmful they could be.
So when Jacob bought his own property to start farming, a friend of his asked, “why the heck are you going to spray roundup on the food you’re going to plant?” That struck a nerve with him and after that, Jacob has done everything all natural. He proudly admits, “I believe in doing everything the old fashioned way…. I put a lot of time and sweat into my farming.” A method he uses is to plant seeds at different times so that he constantly has a variety of produce available for his customers. Doing his work for five years, he has been selling at his own farm, the Bushel Basket Market in Chelsea, and doing farm shares through Facebook and Craigslist.
The biggest challenge he faces is working the farm by himself along with working a full-time job and owning a business outside of the farm. Finding time to balance the work he does is difficult, however, knowing he is providing produce that is healthy and natural for people, and has no chemicals, or is store bought is what makes the farming business worth it.