The Saturday Chelsea Farmers Market takes place from 8 a.m.-noon on July 25 at the Palmer parking lot. In addition, the Ann Arbor Symphony Orchestra will have an instrument “petting zoo” for anyone to try out different musical instruments.
The market is also hosting the Waterloo Natural Historical Association. We will be hosting a cooking demo featuring recipes using vendor products. And, this weekend is our market basket giveaway, so don’t miss the chance to enter your name into a drawing to win a basket full of vendor products for free.
*Thanks to Chelsea Update for content and pictures
- It you get there early, you should be able to find corn.
- There’s beautiful pottery at the farmers market.
Below is a list of the vendors and what they expect to have for sale:
Kapnick Orchards: baked goods, nut butters, fudge, cherries, red and black raspberries, potatoes, blueberries, peaches and plums.
Two Tracks Acres: Italian and breakfast sausage, pork chops, shoulder roasts, fresh ham, chicken, eggs, kielbasa links.
- File photo. Fresh fruit at the farmers market.
Goetz Greenhouse: potatoes, peppers, sweet corn, curly kale, Swiss Chard, cabbage, garlic, broccoli, basil, zucchini, cucumbers, pickling cucumbers, carrots, onions, wax and green beans, cherry and hoop house tomatoes, beets, fresh flower bouquets.
Frog Hollar Farms: beets, green onions, radishes, cilantro, cabbage, green beans, cukes and zukes, a variety of tomatoes, transparent apples, blueberries, cherries.
Heim Gardens: herb starts, strawberry plants, radishes, edible pod peas, kohlrabi, broccoli, blueberries, onions, carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, yellow and green beans, cherry tomatoes, maybe peppers.

H and H Sugarbush: Maple syrup, candy, nuts, maple cream, maple sugar.
LA Baguette: baguettes, boules, madeleines, brioche.
Zatkovich Pastures: 100 percent organic-fed, free range heritage breed chicken eggs.
Fresh: Coffee beans from Guatemala, Peaberry, Rwandan, Sulawesi, decaf; coffee by the cup.
- If you haven’t tried one of these coffee cakes, you are missing out.
Dancy’s Fancy Butter: Butters infused with fresh herbs and garlic, lemon pepper, pumpkin, honey and cinnamon, brown sugar and cinnamon. NEW for the season strawberry butter.
Bordine Farms: Dahlia plants, buy 2 get third free, flower bouquets in recycled containers. Gladiola coming soon.
Affeathermations: Seasonal creations and natural media, earthwork arts and crafts for ceremony or celebration. Weather permitting.
Country Hills Pottery: Wheel thrown functional pottery and a variety of unusual gifts. Weather permitting.
- Mathew Millar of Renovatio Woodworks at the Saturday Farmers Market with some of the furniture he’s produced.
Renovatio Woodworks: 40 percent off everything. Moving sale. Matthew is looking for a long-term location for Renovatio Woodworks to set up shop. Please call him for details at 734-545-0505. Taking commissions after Aug. 15.
Mama Mo: Vegan bean dip; 17 varieties of hummus, pesto, four types of seitan, and Ann Arbor Tortilla Factory chips.
Cakes by Penny: Freshly bakes coffee cakes and muffins.
- Mama Mo sells numerous varieties of hummus as well as bean dip and chips.
Tantre Farm: Arugula, fava beans, green beans, golden and red beets, bok choy, green broccoli, carrots, Swiss chard, collard greens, cucumbers, garlic bulbs, numerous herbs, curly green, lacinato, Red Russian and Siberian kale, leeks, lettuce loose leaf mix, lettuce heads, green, red and white onions, shelling and snow peas, Sweet green bell peppers, plums, red Norland and Yukon gold potatoes, raspberries, spinach, squash flowers, summer and patti pan squash, Hakurei white and Scarlet Red turnips, yellow and green zucchini.
Bristle’s Handmade and Homegrown: cookies, soups, homemade baked potato bags, dish towels and scrubbies, hand towels, special orders available, salad mix.
Huckleberry: strawberries, cherry jam and popcorn on the cob, hanging cherry tomato baskets, lettuce bowls, beans, potatoes, squash, blueberries, pickle kit, cut flowers.
Acme: handmade spiral bound journals, upcycled vintage label clipboards, upcycled children’s book journals, aprons, handmade “spoon” and “fork” racks, children’s wooden wall art hangers, 25-foot writing paper scrolls, stone coasters, novelty eraser packs and other handmade goodies.
Rulig’s Produce: corn, cucumbers, mixed leaf lettuce, peas, spinach, Swiss chard, kale, beets, patti pan squash, zucchini, bok choy, collard greens, romaine lettuce, sun flowers, summer squash, round zucchini, kohlrabi, green beans, pickling cukes, green onions, broccoli, cut basil, cut cilantro, cukes, head lettuce.
Robin Hills Farms: summer squash, zucchini, tomatoes, onions, kohlrabi, beets, Swiss chard, multi-colored carrots, herbs, kale, fava beans, cucumber, broccoli, green beans, cabbage, spaghetti squash, rosemary, many varieties of tomatoes, sweet peppers, hot peppers.
Smith’s daylilies: daylilies
Joan’s Soap Bouquet: Assorted soap products.