K’s Acres

Courtesy photo. K's Acres is this week's featured vendor at the Bushel Basket Farmers Market.
Courtesy photo. K’s Acres is this week’s featured vendor at the Bushel Basket Farmers Market.
K’s Acres Orchard started in 2006, specializing in fruits and berries.
They are located in Hillsdale County, at 4680 Fitzpatrick Road in Hillsdale.
K’s Acres has red, yellow and black raspberries (coming soon), and ever bearing strawberries that produce fruit May through December.
In the summer, they have blueberries, and multiple peach varieties that are available through October. They also feature several plum varieties, mostly Japanese hybrids including the World Famous Bubble Gum Plum.
It is currently Apple Fest at K’s Acres Orchard, with over 60 kids of apples, most of which are Heritage or Antique. They have several types from the birth place of the Honey Crisp, Minnesota, and one apple which is an Original Johnny Apple Seed Apple. His birthday and the festival are this weekend.
Visit their Facebook page here.

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