It is that time of year when the tart and delicious rhubarb is just abundant! I have sweet nostalgia of harvesting long perfect stalks with my grandmother, cutting off the leaves right in the garden to use as mulch around the plants, and taking the tasty and stringy stems to the kitchen for preparation. We never did make rhubarb butter together, but lots and lots and LOTS of jam and crumbles. The recipe that follows is my own spin off on a recipe I discovered this year. It is amazing on yogurt, pancakes, french toast, regular toast, and just about any other bread-like vehicle!
Rhubarb Apple Butter
4-5 long stalks of rhubarb chopped coarsely
1 apple cored, skinned and chopped
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 c. local honey
- in a food processor, blend apple and rhubarb until all chances are gone
- on medium low heat bring the honey, rhubarb/apple mixture, cinnamon and vanilla to a simmer.
- Simmer on low for 45 minutes to an hour (or desired consistency)
SO tasty.