Good Neighbor Farm

4400 Pontiac Trail, Ann Arbor, MI 48105

At Good Neighbor Farm, we understand that in order to make a living off of the land, we need to treat the land right. That’s why we follow Organic Practices, a Minimal-Tillage Method, and are a Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) Certified Farm. We sell our vegetables to local restaurants, local Farmers Markets, and through a production and marketing model called Community Supported Agriculture.

Types of Products

With Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), customers pay up front at a discounted rate (typically 10%) to receive a weekly share of the farms produce for a certain amount of time. These shares range in size and cost from $45 to $600, so there is bound to be an option that works for you.

For more info and to subscribe:

Contact Info

Caroline Wright and Seth Schmiedeknecht
(734) 510-9459

*Please note: Not all vendors participate every week at the market. Sign up for the Chelsea Farmers Market mailing list to receive our weekly summary of vendors and featured products. 

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