Months offered: June – October
Pickup locations: On farm
On Farm pickup address: Roepke Rd, 10 minutes North of Chelsea
Description: The NOKA CSA is an 18 week share (late May/early June – mid-October) of veggies, fruits, and herbs. We offer two share sizes: a Beginners Share ($400/season) for smaller families or those new to CSAs and a Veggie Lovers share ($650/season) for larger families and seasoned veggie-eaters. Shares are available for on-farm pick-up on Wednesday afternoons or at the Saturday Dexter Farmers Market. Our Homesteader’s Add-On ($75) is an optional bonus of preserved farm deliciousness: jams, pickles, salsa, etc distributed 8-10 times throughout the season.
Contact Info
Noelle Dronen
(865) 712-0274
*Please note: Not all vendors participate every week at the market. Sign up for the Chelsea Farmers Market mailing list to receive our weekly summary of vendors and featured products.