Farmers Market Wednesday September 19th

Our Wednesday market runs from 2pm – 6pm every Wednesday in the parking lot of the Chelsea State Bank on the corner of M52 and Old US 12. There is plenty of parking across the lot by the other shops in the plaza. Please allow for Bank patrons to use the spaces closest to the market during bank hours.

**I am working on a potential change in location for our winter market which will run from the first weekend in November through the end of December. Please check with me or the website for details soon!

While I won’t always know exactly what these amazing folks will have, and Mother Nature sometimes has different plans, I will do my best to provide acurate information about who will be here each week.

Judy Radant will be at market with a tomato soup recipe and samples…don’t miss out on her amazing culinary skills!

THE JAM MAN: a wide variety of homemade jam using local berries and fruits!

AWESOME DOGS: ***Dave will be away this week, but will be back rocking out tasty food next week

JERRY GASCHE: Ripe red raspberries and maybe blackberries

COMPAU FAMILY FARM:   Gorgeous varieties of sunflowers!

PREGITZER FARM:  CSA shares and some seasonal veggies

LA BAGUETTE:  fine french baking including boules, Madeleines, sweet and savory items, baguettes and gluten free chocolate chip cookies!

LUTCHKA ANGUS: amazing seasonal veggies, cut flowers

JACOBS FRESH FARM SHARES: CSA shares, honey and (maybe) eggs; seasonal veggies

TIANI BODY CARE: wonderful hand made soap (foaming and bar), salve, lip balm, lotions and more!

BRIELAND SHOULTZ: eggs, jam and goat milk soap

KAPNICK ORCHARDS: awesome seasonal fruits, nut butters, sweet breads, fudge and more

BUNCH O’PINES: ripe red raspberries

GOLDEN FLEECE FARMS: sustainably raised beef, lamb, chicken, eggs and goat

VOGUE BOOGE: amazing soy based candle company with many scents and a variety of sizes!

(Maybe) NEEDLELANE FARM: sustainably raised seasonal veggies, honey, eggs, herbs and more

BORDINE FARMS: dahlia tubers and plants

K’S ACRES: seasonal fruit and veggies

THE CHEESE PEOPLE: a variety of super tasty cheeses that will knock your socks off

MARKS FARM: lovely seasonal veggies, succulents, hanging baskets and more

Thank you so much for your continued support of our markets!

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