Farmers Market Opening Day Delayed

Greetings All –

This weather sure is inspiring and bringing a bit of lightness to my home and family – I hope that you are experiencing similar sentiments this week. 

Radishes! Look at those beauties – these and many more amazing veggies are just around the corner. Spring keeps on keeping on despite what the rest of the world is managing. And for that I am pleased.

Waiting for City Council Approval (May 4th)

We are awaiting re-approval from the City Council to use Palmer Commons and the Chelsea State Bank for Wednesday and Saturday markets. There will be a decision made on Monday May 4th. Click here to access the call in information (at the bottom of the agenda) for that meeting if you have an opinion about how and when and in what capacity the markets should open. Public comment occurs at the beginning of each meeting.

If we are approved to open (it is still uncertain when we could start back up) I can assure you that we are taking every precaution recommended and required by the federal, state, and county authorities at this time. We will have more space between vendors, there will be tables between vendors and customers with products displayed behind the vendor. We will have hand washing stations peppered throughout the market. We may need to limit the number of people entering into the market place at one time, there will be markings on the ground to help you remember to physically distance. We will require our vendors to wear masks and be health screened. Online payments or exact change practices implemented and an online ordering system in place for those that feel uncertain, are more vulnerable or would like to access non-essential items at this time.

We are working HARD to bring you fresh food, plants, and body care products at market. Our non-essential items will be available online only at this time with pick up at market – but we are looking forward to when that shifts and we can once again offer all the bells and whistles.

In the meantime…

For now, we hold gratitude for all that we CAN do! I will send another email before market opens with our online platform and other online markets that our vendors already have! One of your favorites, Goetz Greenhouse and Farm already has one up – click here to access a host of lovely transplants and bedding flowers! Two Tracks Acres and Lake Divide have online ordering as well and others are working to get you fresh food during this time.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions, concerns, ideas and most importantly if you would like to help be part of the market volunteer team! With new systems in place I am sure to need some extra brains and hands.

You are doing great! I am here – spring is here – we got this! Here is a link to access headspace for free – lots of good meditation and grounding practices.


Thank You to Our Partners

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