Some of the products you can find at Thistle Blossom Herbals.

More products from Thistle Blossom Herbals.
By Lisa Carolin
The Chelsea Farmers Market takes place from 8 a.m.- 1 p.m. in the Palmer parking lot.
Chelsea Update is profiling vendors at the Chelsea Farmers Market.
Thistle Blossom Herbals offers a variety of salves and oils that provide healing and aromatic benefits. Owners Bonnie Mulliner and Denise Wirtzstate in their brochure, “Some of the materials we use in our products are harvested from yards and fields that have not been treated with chemicals and are often considered weeds, but we know better!”
“We know where everything comes from,” said Wirtz.
They practice wildcrafting, the harvesting and use of plants found growing wild in fields and woods and yards. Their ingredients include dandelion, plantain, lavender, chickweed, and calendula.
“You might as well start in your own back yard,” said Mulliner. “It’s home.”
They started as vendors last year at the Wednesday farmers market and moved to Saturdays this year.
“We know the people at this market and the area,” said Wirtz.
Stop by their stand to learn about their products and about the classes they offer, or email TBH2015@aol.com.