Pregitzer Farm
Munith, MI
Dates may vary as produce comes available. Share = 10 weeks of CSA boxes.
Produce list of items we may grow:
Beans, Beets, Broccoli, Cabbage, Napa Cabbage, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Gourmet Melon, Kale, Muskmelon, Onions, Peppers, Potatoes, Summer Squash, Snap Peas, Tomatoes, Watermelon, Winter Squash, Zucchini
Special varieties grown:
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Beans, Peas
Cucumbers: Picklers & Slicers
Peppers: Green, Red Bell, Sweet, Hot Peppers
Tomatoes: Cherry, Salad, Slicers & Heirloom
Sweet Corn: Bicolor, Triple Sweet & Super Sweet varieties
Watermelon: Seedless Red, Yellow & Seeded varieties
Winter Squash: 4-6 varieties
Types of Products
Share Types:
Full Share: $395 – Enough for a large family of vegetable lovers every week. Also great fro families who want to preserve extra for off-season eating. Will include a complete variety of produce we are harvesting that week. Updates and recipes included (10 weeks total)
Half Share: $295 – For smaller family or for couples who want fresh produce every week. Will include a complete variety of produce we harvesting that week (10 weeks total)
Every Other Week Share: $155 – Perfect for seniors and individuals. Also for people who want to try CSA with less commitment (6 weeks total)
CSA Delivery Locations are:
Chelsea: Wednesday 10am-3pm at Chelsea State Bank parking lot Farmers Market Day
Ann Arbor: Thursday 3pm-7pm at Zingerman’s Roadhouse West side Farmers Market
Our Farm: Friday 10am-Dark
6870 Territorial Road Munith, MI 49259
Payment Options – Full payment due by April 1st
Contact Info
Wade Pregitzer
*Please note: Not all vendors participate every week at the market. Sign up for the Chelsea Farmers Market mailing list to receive our weekly summary of vendors and featured products.