Bushel Basket Market Wednesday October 18th

Greetings All!

Looking like it will be a GORGEOUS autumn day for a market. Come on out and get the bounty of October and connect with your favorite vendors. We only have two more outdoor Wednesday markets before moving inside the Washington St. Education Center on the 4th of next month. The indoor markets will be from 9-1 every Saturday through the 31st of March.

The Bushel Basket Market takes place on the corner of Old US 12 and M52 every Wednesday from May-October. Please park in the lot adjacent to the bank if you are able.

Judy Radant will be preparing a glazed turnip and carrot dish for you to sample!

With no further ado…your vendors:

Jacobs Fresh Farm Shares: local honey, seasonal produce and eggs

Marks Farm: large assortment of seasonal veggies, pork, beefalo, eggs and more

Stone Hearth Bread and Bakery: pepperoni rolls, cinnamon buns, rye, sourdough, cheese bread, cinnamon raisin bread, multi grain, pumpernickel, spinach feta, assortment of cookies and more!

Pregitzer Farm: seasonal veggies

Pat-A-Cakes: gluten free flour mixes and baked goods

Golden Fleece Farm: sustainably raised beef, lamb and chicken

Lutchka Angus: beautiful variety of seasonal veggies

Kapnicks Orchard: lots of variety of apples, pears, sweet breads, nut butters, fudge, cider, doughnuts and more!

VogueBooge Candles: a large selection of soy candles in many different sizes and scents

K’s Acres: seasonal fruits, veggies, syrups

Needle Lane Farm: Certified Organic seasonal produce!

Feral Daughters: free range whole chickens, eggs, and shiitake mushrooms

Doug’s Mugs: gorgeous hand thrown mugs, bowls, vases, and more

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