Greetings All!
The Bushel Basket Market takes place on the corner of Old US 12 and M52 every Wednesday from May-October. Please park in the lot adjacent to the bank if you are able.
Judy Radant will be preparing a glazed turnip and carrot dish for you to sample!
With no further ado…your vendors:
Jacobs Fresh Farm Shares: local honey, seasonal produce and eggs
Marks Farm: large assortment of seasonal veggies, pork, beefalo, eggs and more
Stone Hearth Bread and Bakery: pepperoni rolls, cinnamon buns, rye, sourdough, cheese bread, cinnamon raisin bread, multi grain, pumpernickel, spinach feta, assortment of cookies and more!
Pregitzer Farm: seasonal veggies
Pat-A-Cakes: gluten free flour mixes and baked goods
Golden Fleece Farm: sustainably raised beef, lamb and chicken
Lutchka Angus: beautiful variety of seasonal veggies
Kapnicks Orchard: lots of variety of apples, pears, sweet breads, nut butters, fudge, cider, doughnuts and more!
VogueBooge Candles: a large selection of soy candles in many different sizes and scents
K’s Acres: seasonal fruits, veggies, syrups
Needle Lane Farm: Certified Organic seasonal produce!
Feral Daughters: free range whole chickens, eggs, and shiitake mushrooms
Doug’s Mugs: gorgeous hand thrown mugs, bowls, vases, and more
Thanks so much for all of your support! We wouldn’t be thriving without YOU!